Reap the benefits of using untreated wood shavings.
Also ideal for raising chicks and in nest boxes. We recommend the use of wood shavings in a deep litter bed system. Shavings are better than wood chip or sawdust as shavings offer nice curls of timber rather than dust or chips. Deep litter is a term used to describe the floor of a chook house where loose dry material (wood shavings) are used. If mixed with chicken manure and additional dry litter as required, deep litter will not need removing for 6 to 12 months. If looked after, deep litter has no smell and ends up as beautiful compost (with no added weeds!) We do not recommend the use of hay or straw in a deep bed litter system. It is not as effective as wood shavings in absorbing moisture and carries possible mould and fungi spores which can affect the respiratory health of pets (and humans!)
Available in 4 sizes: small box size (courier), regular large bag (pick up or ship) 420L bale (courier), or bulk fadge (pick up or ship)
Small Box - App. 40L(Courier Size)Top-quality, 100% NZ Produced Natural Pine Shavings. Super absorbent and odour reducing. Ideal choice for your pets bedding and litter trays. Kiln-dried to provide a dry and soft environment. Screened to remove dust and small particles with the health of your pet in mind. No chemicals or additives. Compressed into box. Earth-friendly, eco-packaging – no plastic!Dimensions: 31cmx31cmx27cm
Large, Regular White Bag(Pick Up or Ship)These are locally sourced from untreated timbers and can vary from pinus radiata (pine shavings) to macrocarpa or douglas fir. They can sometimes be slightly damp as most timber needs to be wet when cut. At times can be drier and finer in size. It all depends on what is readily available. Dimensions: app. 40cmx40cmx80cm
420L Bale (Courier Size)Top-quality, 100% NZ Produced Natural Pine Shavings. Ideal for dairy, equestrian and poultry requirements. Super absorbent and odour reducing they are the ideal choice for your pets bedding and litter trays Kiln-dried to provide a warm, dry and soft environment. Compressed (4x1 Approx) Screened to remove dust and small particles with the health of your pet in mind. No chemicals or additives.Dimensions: app. 45cmx45cmx60cm
Fadge (Pick Up or Ship)A Fadge weights app. 100 kgs and is made up of 100% NZ produced compressed pine wood shavings (4:1 Approx) Holds 2 cubic metres before pressing and equals about 10 of our regular white bags. The wood shavings in the fadges have been screened before pressing to minimise dust and are untreated kiln-dried and 98% dust-free. Please check we have them in stock prior to ordering. The fadge is available for pick up or we can ship with Mainfreight. Too large to courier.
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