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Appletons Guides to Keeping Cats 😸



When you think of a cat, you may think of a domestic cat lazy and loving, lolling on the sofa, or you might think of larger cats such...


Training Your Cat

Cats are intelligent animals and yet surprisingly tricky to train! Unlike dogs they don’t see human attention as an adequate 'reward' ...


Cat Healthcare

Watching your healthy cat grow and mature is the best thing a pet owner can experience, but you always need to prepared for the unexpected...


Cat Health Issues

Just like us cats have their fair share of sniffles, tummy aches and injuries. It is unsurprising that cats become poorly and injure...


Responsible Cat Ownership

New Zealand law requires that you take good care of your cat. You must keep your cat healthy and free from distress and pain. If your cat is sick or...


Cat Food

When it comes to feeding your cat there are no rules set in stone. Every cat’s needs are different and so is every owner’s daily routine...


Cat Beds & Toys

These accessories are an essential part of your cat's life. Provide your cat with a range of stimulating toys so that she can tire herself out and fall staight asleep...


Why Do Cats?

Cats spend a lot of their time snoozing the day away. This doesn’t mean that you have a lazy cat, in fact this behaviour is totally natural for a cat...


Best Time To Purchase?

There’s no hiding it, we know that you love these adorable purring animals, but when the best time to get a cat? Surely getting a kitten at any time ...


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