Appletons Guides to Keeping Budgies 🦜

The world's most popular pet bird - this guide is for all budgie fans. It contains information on everything to do with these wonderful little birds...
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Anatomy & Lifecycle
Budgies generally live between five and eight years in the wild, but commonly make it to somewhere between 10 and 15 in captivity...
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Beginners Guide
Budgies are relatively easy pets to look after, but that doesn’t mean you can just bring one home and then forget about it...

Choosing a Budgie
When making your choice, don’t be dazzled by colour. It’s all too easy to find one budgie more attractive than the others based on its plumage, but there are...

Food & Feeding Tips
Like any animal, budgerigars need to follow a diet that provides all their nutritional requirements. They are not fussy eaters, so the task is relatively simple...

Cages & Cleaning Tips
There are many types of cage available, but not all of them are designed with the needs of both the bird and the owner in mind...
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Budgies love their toys and a selection of swings, bells, balls and playthings will fill your pet’s life with fun, mental stimulation, and endless exercise...
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Most budgies like to bathe. In the wild a bath clears dust from their feathers and helps them cool off; and pet birds still enjoy a good splash around...
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Budgies need perches for sleeping, playing, courting, singing and resting. They love flapping or climbing from one perch to another, and will spend ...

Teaching them to Talk
Budgies are mimics and will add all manner of sounds to their repertoire. They give everything a characterful spin, straight from their unique personality...
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Although all budgerigars have different personalities, they share certain behaviours. This is just as well, as a knowledge of normal behaviour versus...
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Human and Budgie Health Check. Can humans catch diseases from budgies? Learn more about budgie illnesses and disease symtoms...
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