Got Red Mite in Your Hen House? These products will help...

Pig Products

13 products

  • Pig Shelter | Appletons APP-Timber-Pig-Shelter-03.jpg__PID:3193d9ea-2167-4f2e-ba3d-b22461aa24cf

    Pig Shelter | Appletons

    5 reviews

    Timber pig shelter with bolted easy access rear door. Grow your pigs well. All animals benefit from being protected from the elements; wind, rain and sun. Built on skids for easy towing around the paddock.  Professionally built, quality KITSET design with easy-to-follow assembly instructions.


  • Appletons Pigsty Appletons Pigsty

    Pigsty | Appletons

    2 reviews

    Pigsty with enclosed run with slatted timber floor and double-bolted run gate. For two medium or three small pigs. The ultimate timber pigsty. Accommodates two medium-sized or three small pigs depending on breed. Professionally built, quality KITSET design with easy-to-follow assembly instructions.


  • Farrowing Pigsty | Appletons Farrowing Pigsty | Appletons

    Farrowing Pigsty | Appletons

    Spacious walk-in pigsty with enclosed pen, slatted timber floor and double-bolted gate. Premium pig accommodation. A lovely big shelter with good height inside will keep your sow and her piglets nice and warm and dry in all weather. Professionally built, quality KITSET design with easy-to-follow assembly instructions.


  • Weston Pigs Choice 25kg Pigs Choice 25kg | Weston

    Pigs Choice 25kg | Weston

    1 review

    Grow your pigs well  A complete feed for growing and finishing pigs Analysis: 17% crude protein, 6% fibre, 6% Fat,  2% Salt Westons Milling Stockfeed has the point of difference over most other brands as it is the only commercial poultry feed (here on the South Island) that contains quality ruminant proteins. We see the results in our poultry every day and it is good to hear the positive feedback from our customers once they start using Weston's poultry feed.  Yes, we can courierPlease note all our 25kg bags are sent out in large heavy-duty plastic bags 😊 Please re-cycle these where you can ♻️


  • Flubenol 5% - Poultry and Pig Wormer Flubenol 5% - Poultry and Pig Wormer

    Flubenol 5% | Poultry and Pig Wormer

    67 reviews

    This worming treatment has no egg withholding period. Yes, you can keep eating the eggs 😊 Flubenol™ 5% contains flubendazole, a broad-spectrum anthelmintic with high efficacy against all gastrointestinal worm species that commonly occur in poultry. It is effective against roundworms (Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Capillaria spp., Amidostomum anseris and Trichostrongylus tenuis), gapeworm (Syngamus trachea) and tapeworms (Raillietina sp.). Its safety profile allows a safe and secure use in most poultry species, including the breeding stock. Flubenol is a tasteless powder which is added to dry feed.  Dosage for chickens/turkeys/geese/partridge and pheasants. Dosage rate:To treat your flock mix the powder thoroughly into the feed and feed it for seven consecutive days. It needs to be thoroughly mixed through the pellets or dry mash. (Do not just sprinkle on top.) To treat a large flock (22-25 hens) mix 15g (3 teaspoons) into 21.5kg feed for chickens and geese or for a smaller flock (7-8 hens) 5g (one teaspoon) per 7kg feed. (please check the recommended daily ration on your feed bag to determine the exact amount). To treat pheasants and partridge mix 15g (3 teaspoons) with 11kg feed. To treat turkeys mix 15g (3 teaspoons) in with 32kg feed. In case of infestation with tapeworm, double the dose for seven consecutive days. Do not use this product to treat pigeons or parrots. How to dose: Calculate what 1 hen eats daily. The best way to do this is to look at the bag of layer feed you are using which will indicate the recommended daily feed ration on the back. For Weston Layer feed it is app. 130g per day per hen.  Count the number of hens in your flock (best to treat everyone). Multiply the number of hens by the daily ration for one hen. This total will indicate how much feed your flock eats in a day. Then multiply this number by seven (the number of days you will be treating) If using an auto feeder empty the feeder and fill it with the calculated amount of medicated feed for the week. (If your calculations are correct then this quantity should feed them for the week)   Let your hens self-help for seven days.  On the eighth day remove and empty the feeder. Replace with non-medicated fresh feed. For best results we recommend sanitising/ cleaning your hen house at the same time  using Poultry Safeguard. For more info on deworming your flock read here. Follow up TreatmentAll poultry worms have a life cycle of between 2 to 7 weeks. It is really important to break this life cycle so a repeat treatment should be administered within the pre-patient period of the worm/s (PPP). The PPP is the time period in days from worm egg ingestion by the chicken until the adult worm starts producing eggs in the chicken and sheds these eggs into the environment. When dealing with specific problem worm species, we always consider the PPP of the worm in question, because you want to try and keep your Flubenol treatment interval just shorter than this time period, so that you effectively prevent further contamination of the environment with worm eggs, and thereby just continue the infective cycle.So for instance with normal large roundworm (Ascarid) infection, a longer treatment interval of around 5-6 weeks is what we suggest (the life cycle or PPP of this worm species is the longest of all the commonly found poultry worms). However, with Gapeworm, the PPP is around 2-3 weeks. So to effectively control the burden for this worm species we recommend following up with another treatment 2 weeks after completion of the first.We recommend doing a follow-up treatment of Flubenol within the PPP for the worm you are treating. The good news - no withholding period for eggs and meat for poultry. Symptoms following overdosing: Flubenol 5% is non-toxic; even considerable overdosing does not produce side effects.  In poultry, even three times the highest dose for seven days had no negative effects on egg production, egg quality, hatching results and growth of offspring.Treatment with Flubenol can only be effective if the hygiene of pig pens and poultry housing is observed. Available in a 600g tub and in smaller sachets for treating smaller flocks. Treatment for Pigs Flubenol is effective against the mature and immature larvae and eggs of the following species of worm: Large Roundworm, Red Stomach Worm, Nodular Worm Lungworm, Threadworm and Whipworm. Individual treatment: (Single administration).Add 1 g of Flubenol for each 10 kg bodyweight onto the finished feed. (This is equivalent to 5 mg of flubendazole per one kg bodyweight). One 13 g measuring spoon treats one 130 kg sow. An easy way of administering the dose is to add it to a buttered bread roll and feed it to your pig. Treat twice a year unless recommended otherwise by your veterinary surgeon.  Pigs brought onto the premises should be treated on arrival and before mixing with other animals.  Animals must not be slaughtered for human consumption within 7 days of treatment.

    $24.95 - $119.00

  • Pig Drinker | Heavy Duty Push Button 1.8 Litre

    Pig Drinker | Heavy Duty Push Button 1.8 Litre

    Heavy duty pig drinker. Extra Heavy Duty Push Button Pig Drinker trough. Suitable for adult sows & boars but also small enough for weaners. Cast Iron Bowl Brass valve with Stainless push tab (255mm x 210mm x 180mm). Capacity 1.8 Litre Note: best suited for low pressure water supply or gravity feed. High pressure could spook unknowing pigs from high pressure build-up.


  • Pig Drinker | Heavy Duty Push Button

    Pig Drinker | Heavy Duty Push Button

    Easy to clean pig drinker. Big enough for sows. Small enough for weaners. Easy to clean. Simple to operate. Simple push-button operation is trouble free, and leaves the bowl clear for easy removal of straw or dirt. Cast iron bowl with brass valve. Bowl opening 12cm x 15cm. Suitable 5 to 65 psi by adjustment of flow-control device in valve. (Use large orifice for low water pressure.)


  • Heavy Duty Carbon Heat Lamp Set with 400mm Shade

    Heavy Duty Carbon Heat Lamp Set with 400mm Shade | Commercial | Interheat

    Please note, This is an Extra large lamp shade designed for large scale Pig & Poultry use. New - Heavy Duty Commercial use Carbon Fibre Heat Lamp Set includes aluminium brooding lamp shade + secondary inner heat shield. Pre-fitted with ceramic lamp holder for extra safety and the addition of a large heavy-duty alloy heat sink for extended lamp service life. The shade has a removable wire cage fitted for extra safety For additional fire safety the lamp is fitted with an internal tilt switch in case the lamp is tilted or knocked off from its chain due to boisterous piglets or flighty chicks thus reducing risk of fire. Lamp is also pre-wired with a 3-way energy saving dimmer switch featuring low/off/high (Low provides an approx 40% reduction in output) Also supplied 2.5 metres of cord & standard NZ 3 pin / 10 amp Plug  complete with chain and hook for hanging. PLEASE NOTE THE EMITTER IS NOT INCLUDED AND NEEDS TO BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY.


  • 900 watt Carbon Fibre Lamp | Interheat

    900 watt Carbon Fibre Lamp | Interheat

    Carbon fibre lamp | 900 watt. 900 watt Carbon Fibre lamp - For pig & large scale poultry use,


  • Kibbled Maize

    Kibbled Maize

    13 reviews

    Out of stock

    Cracked for easier digestion. Kibbled maize is whole maize (corn) that has been roller crushed to a smaller size. It is ideal for feeding out to silkies, bantams, pheasants, doves, pigeons, partridge and of course regular-sized chooks! Kibbled maize is also ideal for horses, pigs, sheep, goats, cattle and deer. We kibble to order, so your bag will be fresh.  Please note our kibbled maize is whole corn fed through rollers that crush and crack the grains. Some grains get split, others are cracked and some avoid getting broken altogether. There also be some very fine pieces too! This is the nature of the process. This process produces cracked pieces of maize which are more easily digested by birds. Yes, we can courierPlease note all our 25kg feed bags are sent out in large heavy-duty plastic bags 😊Please re-cycle these where you can ♻️

    Out of stock

    $30.00 - $52.00

  • Whole maize form Appletons

    Whole Maize

    13 reviews

    Our chooks all-time favourite afternoon treat!  Whole kernels of lovely golden yellow maize. Remember when treating your chooks only about 5 to 10 grams per bird per day especially if they have access to a complete, balanced feed like Weston peak layer pellets.  Our maize is grown locally. Yes, we can courierPlease note all our 25kg feed bags are sent out in large heavy-duty plastic bags 😊Please re-cycle these where you can ♻️

    $25.00 - $45.00

  • Wood Shavings | Bedding Wood Shavings | Bedding

    Wood Shavings | Bedding

    48 reviews

    Reap the benefits of using untreated wood shavings. Also ideal for raising chicks and in nest boxes. We recommend the use of wood shavings in a deep litter bed system. Shavings are better than wood chip or sawdust as shavings offer nice curls of timber rather than dust or chips. Deep litter is a term used to describe the floor of a chook house where loose dry material (wood shavings) are used. If mixed with chicken manure and additional dry litter as required, deep litter will not need removing for 6 to 12 months. If looked after, deep litter has no smell and ends up as beautiful compost (with no added weeds!) We do not recommend the use of hay or straw in a deep bed litter system. It is not as effective as wood shavings in absorbing moisture and carries possible mould and fungi spores which can affect the respiratory health of pets (and humans!) Available in 4 sizes: small box size (courier), regular large bag (pick up or ship) 420L bale (courier), or bulk fadge (pick up or ship) Small Box - App. 40L(Pick Up or Courier Size)Top-quality, 100% NZ Produced Natural Pine Shavings. Super absorbent and odour reducing. Ideal choice for your pets bedding and litter trays. Kiln-dried to provide a dry and soft environment. Screened to remove dust and small particles with the health of your pet in mind. No chemicals or additives. Compressed into box.  Earth-friendly, eco-packaging – no plastic!Dimensions: 31cmx31cmx27cm Large, Regular White Bag(Pick Up or Ship)These are locally sourced from untreated timbers and can vary from pinus radiata (pine shavings) to macrocarpa or douglas fir. They can sometimes be slightly damp as most timber needs to be wet when cut. At times can be drier and finer in size. It all depends on what is readily available. Dimensions: app. 40cmx40cmx80cm 420L Bale (Pick Up or Courier Size)Top-quality, 100% NZ Produced Natural Pine Shavings. Ideal for dairy, equestrian and poultry requirements. Super absorbent and odour reducing they are the ideal choice for your pets bedding and litter trays Kiln-dried to provide a warm, dry and soft environment. Compressed (4x1 Approx) Screened to remove dust and small particles with the health of your pet in mind. No chemicals or additives.Dimensions: app. 45cmx45cmx60cm Fadge (Pick Up or Ship)A Fadge weights app. 100 kgs and is made up of 100% NZ produced compressed pine wood shavings (4:1 Approx) Holds 2 cubic metres before pressing and equals about 10 of our regular white bags. The wood shavings in the fadges have been screened before pressing to minimise dust and are untreated kiln-dried and 98% dust-free. Please check we have them in stock prior to ordering. The fadge is available for pick up or we can ship with Mainfreight. Too large to courier.

    $10.00 - $165.00

  • Denver Meal Time organic certified calf & multi pellets App-boer-goat-2.jpg__PID:fd297a99-8919-4a7e-8982-8f1ec2464773

    Organic Certified Calf & Multi Pellets 20kg | Denver Meal Time

    Organic feed for a wide range of animals. New stock arriving mid week 😊 Denver Meal Time Organic Certified Calf & Multi Pellets are formulated from organically grown ingredients to provide a well balanced feed for a wide range of animals. (Cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, deer, aplacas.) Can be used as a supplement to daily feed requirements, especially when high quality pasture is in short supply. As Calf Pellets, they are a source of energy and protein for calf growth and rumen development. Feeding Suggestions: Calf & Multi pellets to be fed in conjunction with a suitable Milk/Pasture feeding system. For other animals, introduce Calf & Multi Pellets gradually to allow digestive systems to adjust to higher starch intakes. Offer Meal Time Organic Calf & Multi Pellets ad-lib from 5 days of age to encourage early consumption and stimulate rumen development. Calves should always have access to a quality roughage source such as straw or stalky hay. Gradually wean off milk when calves are regularly consuming 1 kg of pellets per day and have access to quality pasture. Once target weights are reached of 100-150kg live weight, gradually wean off calf pellets ensuring quality pasture is available. For other animals: introduce Meal Time Organic Calf & Multi Pellets gradually to allow digestive systems to adjust to higher starch intakes. Animals should always have access to a quality fibre source such as hay, chaff, pasture or silage to maintain a healthy digestive system. Suggested Feeding Rates as a Supplement: Dairy & Beef: 2-3kg per day | Weaner Calves: 1-2kg per day. Sheep & Goats: 300-500g per day | Lambs & Kids: 100-300g per day. Horses: 1-3kg per day. Deer: 500g-2kg per day. Pigs: 1-3kg per day. Alpacas: 200-500g per day. Keep feed fresh and ensure feeding containers are kept clean. Ensure that animals have access to fresh, clean water at all times. Typical Analysis: Protein 16% approx. on a DM basis. May vary slightly due to grain variances. Ingredients: Selected from: Organic grains and grain by-products, organic plant proteins, organic molasses, organic vegetable oils, organic apple cider vinegar, natural minerals, vitamins and trace minerals. View Data Sheet Organic Certified Calf & Multi Pellets are certified by Biogro for use in organic production systems as a stock feed (OCN#6349) Yes, we can courierPlease note all our 20kg bags are sent out in large heavy-duty plastic bags 😊 Please re-cycle these where you can ♻️


Pig products

Pigs enjoy having a shelter. A place to have that afternoon snooze out of the hot summer sun or escape from the cold rain and wind when the weather turns nasty or just somewhere to be a pig! Appletons build quality, kitset timber pig shelters, pig stys and farrowing stys. We can add lugs for easy towing and can match the roof colour to the roof of your farm outbuildings. We also stock heavy-duty pig drinkers and commercial-grade heat lamps.
Discover our informative guide on Keeping Pigs | The Basics.


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