Appletons Guides to Keeping Chickens 🐔
The benefits of keeping chickens is rewarding in so many ways. With healthy, well feed hens come the supply of fresh delicious eggs...
Poultry Housing
A chook house should provide hens with a place to sleep (roost) and a place to lay eggs. It should offer protection from the elements...
Chicken Feed
Feeding your chickens quality feed is the way to achieve healthy, happy, productive hens. What you put in is what you get out!
Hen Healthcare
Chickens are no different to humans and are susceptible to illness and disease. Take time to monitor the daily health and...
Pecking Order
It is very important when keeping poultry to be aware of how the pecking order works within a flock. It can make or break a happy flock!
It is perfectly natural for hens to go broody. It is in their genes! The heritage heavy breeds are more inclined to do so than the light breeds.
Hatching Eggs
Buying in hatching eggs is the most economical way of starting or adding to your existing flock. Day old chicks if not raised under...
Raising Chicks
Chicks can either be hatched from fertile eggs in an incubator or under a broody hen or purchased as day olds from a breeder.
Meat Birds
We have been growing on our heavy breed cockerels for some time now and processing them for the table. They make an excellent...