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April 2025 Pullets | Brown Shavers | 10 Weeks of Age | Pick Up Only


Brown Shaver pullets available for pre-order.
10 weeks of age on pick up.
Price is per pullet.
These pullets will be POL late June - early July 2025.

Only available for pick up on the following days:
Wednesday 9th April 9am - 5pm
Friday 11th April 9am - 5pm
Saturday morning 12th April
9am - 12.30pm

Please note we do not send out a reminder email if you have placed your order 10 days before pick up.

April 2025 Pullets | Brown Shavers | 10 Weeks of Age | Pick Up Only

Product form

$39.00 Incl. GST

Out of stock

    • Please read our terms of purchase below before ordering
    • Minimum order of 3 pullets
    • Pullets are pick up only
    • Please bring crate or good-sized box to transport pullets home
    • Feed to be purchased on pick up
    • Reminder email sent a week before pickup 😊


    Brown Shaver pullets available for pre-order.
    10 weeks of age on pick up.
    Price is per pullet.
    These pullets will be POL late June - early July 2025.

    Only available for pick up on the following days:
    Wednesday 9th April 9am - 5pm
    Friday 11th April 9am - 5pm
    Saturday morning 12th April
    9am - 12.30pm

    Please note we do not send out a reminder email if you have placed your order 10 days before pick up.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 123 reviews
    Dawn Hutchinson
    Dawn Hutchinson

    Awesome service and my new chickens are so happy

    Donna Chambers
    Happy chook owner

    Thanks Appletons for giving such good care to your chooks.
    The Pullets have settled in very well & are now getting out for a free-range time.
    Thanks for the excellent service, much appreciated.

    Tony Ibbotson

    Always a pleasure to trade with you.

    Angela johnston
    3 POL hens

    My girls are thriving with feeding out the Weston’s chick crumble that Fionna recommended to give my girls, they have settled in and look healthy, grand kids can’t wait to collect their first egg, the knowledge Fionna and Gordon have about chickens you could not find in any book, maybe a book would be a project to do

    Julie Dash
    Lovely chickens, great service

    Chickens were ready for pickup. All healthy. Got very thorough instructions for the next 3 months.
    Excellent chicken food.
    Happy girls.

    Rochelle Ashmore
    Last 3

    We got th last 3 hens this year.all doing fine on feeder crumble but one did come with a crooked beak we observed once home

    Hi Rochelle,
    I remember you got the last three! Please send us a photo so we can see what you are referring to. I know this batch of brown shavers chicks arrived de-beaked so maybe that is what you are seeing? Anyway, please send a photo so we can take a look and remedy it. Kind regards Fionna

    Carleen Eves
    Happy Chickens

    We have had our 4 girls a few weeks now and they are loving life. They are an intelligent group as they have nearly sussed the auto feeder. In another couple of weeks the pegs will be able to go. Thank you for all your help.

    Carolyn Stilwell
    Thank you

    Thank you so very much for your advice on feeders. You were both helpful and informative without being pushy for a sale.

    Jenny Hayton

    Awesome to deal with and lovely chooks

    Hamish Mcclea

    It was a great experience buying chickens from Appletons. Our girls are doing great and getting used to their new home. Thanks for all the advice from Appletons, much appreciated!

    10 week old Brown Shaver Pullets from Appletons 

    If purchasing pullets from us they will need to go with a minimum of 1 x 25kg bag of the same feed that they have been on and are accustomed too. This means one less stress when they move to their new home and coop. It is company policy and in the best interests of the fowl they go to their new home with the same quality feed they are accustomed too. We highly recommend taking what is required to grow them on to POL to get best results. Please do not place an order if you are not happy to purchase feed with your pullets. The feed can be ordered and paid for on pullet pickup.

    We are happy to advise with tips and advice on getting your new girls settled in. We like our girls to go to new homes around 10 to 12 weeks of age which gives them plenty of time to settle in and adjust to their new coop prior to starting to lay. It is important to be aware that if you have purchased pullets that are POL or just started laying they will go off the lay for a while once they move homes. This is perfectly normal as their routine has been interrupted and they need to adjust to a new roost, new flock mates and new surroundings.

    All our brown shavers have been vaccinated as day-old chicks at the hatchery. They are injected with Marek’s and sprayed with Megan®Salmonella Vac 1 vaccine. We request non-beak-trimmed chicks but sometimes due to availability, they do not always arrive and the odd batch has their beaks trimmed. The chick is not harmed during the beak trimming process and this process reduces possible harmful peaking within the laying flock.

    Brown Shavers are flock birds and live in family groups so keeping one or two is not ideal, especially if you lose one and the last one is then left on its own.

    We can offer a late pick-up date, which is the following Saturday morning. There will be an additional cost of $3 per pullet for this service.

    Our brown shaver girls are happy and healthy and raised with care 😊

    They are shed-raised and once-off heat (and a good size!) we let them outside to start enjoying their greens, fresh air, sunshine and all the other delights of being a free-range chook. We raise them on a premium quality chick feed - Weston Chicks Choice. They are best fed on this up to 18 weeks or point of lay. They have this quality feed available at all times for optimum growth. We find the Weston Milling feed to be the best feed as it contains both naturally occurring ruminant proteins (blood, meat and bone meal) and vegetable-based proteins. Feeding quality feed for the first 18 weeks makes all the difference and will grow good, strong, healthy birds. Good, strong, healthy birds if well looked after and kept on premium layer pellets will reward you with many eggs.

    Terms of purchase:

    • Payment required on placing your order, thank you.
    • Price is per pullet and includes GST.
    • Minimum order of 3 pullets.
    • Minimum 1 x 25kg bag of crumble will need to be ordered separately or collected and paid for when pullets are picked up. Weston Chicks Choice 
    • Collection needs to be on the dates specified.
    • We do not grow pullets on to 18 weeks of age or POL (point of lay)
    • PICK UP ONLY from our Brightwater Store in Mt Heslington Road.
    • We cannot courier livestock.
    • Please do not place an order if you cannot collect.
    • If you cancel your pullet pre-order you will be charged a cancellation fee of $5 per pullet + a shopify payments cancellation fee of 3.6% if your payment was made online by card. Pay by internet banking to avoid this cancellation charge. Thank you.
    • Please read our ts and cs. We do not offer refunds on livestock.


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