Why Do New Hens Need to Be Quarantined? 😷
Refreshed 3rd March 2025, Thursday, 4th November 2021

Before introducing new birds to an established flock, they should be quarantined. You will also have to quarantine chickens that have fallen ill or show signs of illness. The reason for separating new birds from the established flock is eight parts sensible to two parts paranoia. If you source the new chickens from a reputable supplier or have hatched the birds yourself, there is little chance of the birds harbouring illnesses. However, the potential problems you are guarding against are not easy to spot. Chickens may have internal or external parasites, or the bacteria and viruses that cause disease may be lurking out of sight. Quarantine significantly lowers the risk of the new chickens spreading parasites or infection in your established flock. In the age of Covid-19, the idea of quarantining has negative associations with isolation and inconvenience. With new chickens, all you’re doing is giving them some space away from the main flock. Other than that, it’s chicken business as usual!
What is Quarantine and When Should I Quarantine My Flock?
Quarantine simply means separating one or more chickens from the rest of the flock. The aim is to minimise the danger of illness spreading between ill and/or new chickens and the existing flock. All new birds should be put into quarantine. Chickens bought at a show or fair will have been in close proximity with lots of other birds. Chickens from reputable suppliers are not immune to disease either, and even a new-hatched chick may harbour illness, as certain bacteria can penetrate eggshells and infect unhatched birds.

Why Do Chickens Need Quarantining?
Bird diseases and parasites spread quickly, and by the time you spot the symptoms, it’s often too late to prevent the other chickens from falling ill. Stressed birds are particularly prone to illness, and a new hen will always be a stressed hen. There’s nothing you can do about this, as it’s a symptom of moving from the world she knew previously to the world of your backyard chickens. A bird that falls ill needs isolating from the rest of the flock to minimise the risk of the illness spreading. If the issue is parasites – lice, mites or worms – by the time you spot the problem it will probably be present in every bird, so in these cases, you need to buy the appropriate parasite treatment rather than quarantining single birds.
Internal and External Parasites are the Most Obvious Culprits to Spot and Eliminate in Quarantine â›”

Check & Treat for Internal Parasites
It is best practice to worm all new birds that come on to your property, especially if you are adding them to an established flock.
How to Worm Chickens
Check & Treat for Scaly Leg Mite
Symptoms of scaly leg mite cannot always be detected in young birds. If the parent stock are showing signs then you can be guaranteed that your newly acquired chickens will definitely have it - and this will be come more evident over time.
What are Scaly Leg Mites?
Check & Treat for Poultry Red Mite
Red Mites do not usually live on poultry. They hide and live in the nooks and crannies of the hen house. However, there could be a few hangers on, especially if your bird have come form an infested flock. Best to treat all new members with pour on drench.
The Low Down on Red Mites
Check & Treat for Lice
Lice will live on the chicken's skin underneath the feathers. Look for small almond shaped insects and clusters of white balls of eggs. This is a sure sign they are infected.
What are Poultry Lice?How Long Do New Chickens Need to be Quarantined?
New birds should be quarantined for at least four weeks. If there are any illnesses, they will show in the first week, following the stress associated with the move. Give the new birds a thorough health check every few days.
In the final week of quarantine, keepers with a larger existing flock often introduce an older bird – perhaps one that has stopped laying – into the quarantine shed. If at the end of this week the introduced hen is healthy, all is well. If there is any disease lurking unseen, the older bird will begin to look unwell. This is the so-called ‘Canary in the mine’ method, and not everyone will be happy putting an older bird at risk. However, the main point is that you are 90% sure that there is no problem in the quarantined flock by this stage.
New Zealand is unique in the world in being free of the three major exotic avian diseases – Avian influenza (bird flu), Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) – which makes it one of the healthiest places to raise chickens.
Omlet's range of Eglu Chicken Coops and Outdoor Walk-in Chicken Runs make excellent quarantine coops and can be easily cleaned (and disinfected!) and are super easy to maintained.

Setting Up a Quarantine Area for New Chickens
There is a simple checklist that gives the quarantine the best chance of being successful:
- Give the new birds a physical check, looking for signs of lice or fleas. Check the consistency of their droppings and their general posture, referring to our button link below on keeping happy and healthy hens.
- Make sure the enclosure and coop have everything the new birds need, including a roosting perch, an egg-laying box, fresh food and water, and shelter from the elements.
- Ensure that no feathers, sawdust, dander, food or water from the quarantined new birds enter the main flock’s enclosure.
- Don’t wear the same shoes and clothes when tending the healthy and the ill birds. Infection can spread quickly, especially on your hands and the soles of your shoes.
- The new birds should be kept as far from the other chickens as possible. Ideally, they should be at least 10 metres (33 feet) from the main flock, and downwind as much as possible. However, this will not always be practical, and simply keeping the new chickens in a separate enclosure will be as far as many owners can go. If there is an enclosed building to keep them in, that’s perfect. Keeping the new birds downwind of the existing flock is even more important in these close-proximity set-ups.
What to Do if the Quarantined Chickens Get Sick?
If any of the new birds become ill, you will need to identify the illness.
Observe birds for signs of illness including coughing, sneezing, gurgling, red, swollen or watery eyes, eye or nasal discharge, paralysis of legs and/or wings, discoloured combs, wattles, drowsiness, depression, lack of appetite, uncoordinated movements, failure to drink and/or unusual droppings (bloody/worms/diarrhea). Never add birds with signs of disease to your flock.
If you are uncertain, call in expert help to assist with the diagnosis. Depending on the problem, the new chickens will need to be treated and isolated for another month or so. Quarantine of new hens is a better-safe-than-sorry routine that ensures health and happiness in your ever-changing flock of chickens. It also has the advantage of acclimatising newcomers to the sights and sounds of your garden before they mingle with the existing flock.

It is Best Practice to Quarantine New and Returning Chickens