Got Red Mites in Your Hen House? These products will help...

Keeping Chickens

The Benefits

Keeping chickens is rewarding in so many ways. With healthy, well-fed chickens come the supply of fresh delicious eggs, enriched compost for the garden, minimized kitchen scraps and the bug population is kept under control. Chooks can scratch and turn over your garden, aerate the soil and help weed under your trees. They can teach your kids about the wonderful cycles of life...broody hens, hatching eggs, fluffy chicks....what an educational experience for our next generation. Chickens make ideal pets for kids and adults alike. Their quirky personalities can be a winner with children. They teach kids about sharing, routine and responsibility.

Heritage hens free ranging in a paddock.

Pekin bantam pullets in an Egu Go Chicken Coop.

Beautiful Buff Sussex hens enjoying the freedom of the backyard.

Chickens and the Law

Each council has its own rules and regulations regarding the keeping of chickens in urban areas so check before buying. Most councils ban roosters because of the likelihood of offensive noise but they can also limit the number of hens kept. Check if your property has a covenant as this could exclude the keeping of poultry. Be a good neighbour and check before buying a coop and getting set up with chickens.

Choosing a Breed

Here in NZ the choice is either the reliable commercially bred hybrids (hyline brown or shaver brown) or the lovely rare heritage breeds of poultry. The heritage breeds are becoming very popular these days as a backyard layer offering good laying ability alongside decorative looks. If you are looking for chickens with diversity in personality, plumage, egg colour and laying seasons then have a look at the beautiful heritage breeds. Please discover these beautiful breeds in our heritage poultry pages. We always have brown shavers pullets available for sale if looking for a good basic layer. We love our poultry and will be happy to assist.

What to Get? Chicks, Pullets or Hatching Eggs?

Day old Brown Shaver chicks

Day Old Chicks

 Chicks will need the correct care as they grow: heat source, high protein crumble, fresh water etc. You can purchase brown shaver chicks at a day old as guaranteeed pullets. Most heritage day old chicks cannot be sexed so they are sold unsexed up to a week in age. This is a good way to go if you do not have the means to incubate eggs.


Purchasing young birds (pulles)is usually the best way to start especially if you are a newbie. All th ehard work in rearing them under heat is done and all you need to do is take them home and introduce them to your hen house or chicken coop. Make sure whenyou take them home you take a bag of the same feed that they have been on - this will be a chick or grower feed.

12 week old Brown Shaver pullets

Eggs in an Mini Brinsea Incubator

Hatching Eggs

Hatching eggs is another fun and education way to go.  Fertile eggs are collected from the nests of breeding pens where there is a rooster running with hens. Eggs used for hatching need to be handled and stored correctly so purchasing them from a recognised breeder makes a big difference. All you will require to hatch them (it takes 21 days) is a dedicated broody hen or a reliable incubator. This is the most economical way to start your flock and most enjoyable. 

What is a Pullet?

Healthy, happy chooks can live for anything up to 6 to 10 years depending on the breed. Some have been know to live a lot longer! Pullet is the term used to describe a young female chicken from around 6 to 8 weeks old up to 12 months of age. Then she is called a hen. A young male is called a cockerel up to 12 months of age then he becomes a rooster (cock).

When the chicks hatch you will get  both cockerels and pullets. Once your chicks are sexed around 6 to 12 weeks the males can be given away, humanely dispatched or grown on for a roast. Most of the dual purpose heavy breeds make great table birds. So if you have the facilities and live rural fattening the cockerels till 6 months of age will provide your family with a good old fashioned chicken dinner – full of flavour and goodness! The remaining young pullets can then be grown on to become the layers in your backyard.

Purchasing Heritage Birds?

When looking to purchase heritage poultry it is best to purchase birds from a reputable breeder. The season runs from early spring (start of the breeding season) through to late autumn. Early spring will be the best time to purchase chicks especially if you would like them to be laying in autumn. Young pullets around 12 to 16 weeks of age is a good age to introduce birds to their new home and grow them on till they start to lay. Birds can also be purchased at POL (point of lay) which means that they are just starting to lay eggs. In the heritage breeds these birds will be around 24 to 32 weeks of age. In the commercial hybrids POL is is around 20 to 24 weeks.

Young Barred Plymouth Rock pullets

Curious White Leghorn pullets

How Soon Do You Want Eggs? 

When do you want your chooks to start laying as this will dictate what age is the best age to buy your chickens. Also it is a good idea to talk to a breeder and see what availability is like in the breeds that interest you. Keeping chickens takes some forward planning so best to get set up with all the essentials before you bring the chooks home. Most important is the housing (chicken coop or hen house) plus you will need drinkers, feeders, shavings and feed.

Looking For More Information?

How to Care for Your Poultry Volume 1 & 2
These are the best reference books you can buy on keeping chickens. We highly recommend them! All you need to know from a New Zealand perspective on feeding, housing, health, breeding, layers and meat birds.  They will will answer all your questions on caring for your poultry.

How To Care For Your Poultry Reference Books

Light Sussex Heritage Pullet

Hens in an Omlet Walk-In Chicken Run

How To Start Keeping Chickens

Choosing the right chickens to suit your lifestyle, pocket and backyard or farmyard can be nerve wracking for most newbie chook owners. ‘Where do we start?”

Which Comes First? The Chook Of Course!

With a little forward thinking you can have eggs all year round with the heritage breeds.

Enjoy Eggs all Year Round with the Heritage Breeds

Feeding your chooks a quality nutritionally balanced poultry feed all year round is essential so they can be well feathered, top producing layers.

Top Layers need Balanced FeedHow to Convince your Family to Let you Keep Chickens 🐔 Yay!

Eglu Go UP - Raised Chicken Coop


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